The Roots Festival arrives in the charming village of Andretta with a stage dedicated to local dialects. On August 25th the festival will present a theater workshop entitled "Memories of Spoon River Le voci del Borgo", curated by the Director and Screenwriter Gianpiero Francese. From 5.45pm the reading of the monologue on Pasquale Stiso "the Roots of a People" edited by Emanuela Sica with readings by Francesco Cafazzo.

Following the performance "Anthropology of Dialect" curated by Michele Miscia and the conference on linguistic identity and territory, there will be the return of the laboratory and opening toast of the traditional Emigrant festival.


25 August - Municipal Auditorium

“Memoirs of Spoon River The Voices of the Village”

3.00pm-5.30pm - Theater Workshop organized by the Director and Screenwriter Gianpiero Francese and the community involved


The Roots of a People: Pasquale Stiso

Monologue by: Emanuela Sica - Readings by: Francesco Cafazzo

Anthropology of Dialect

Speech by: Michele Miscia

To follow

Linguistic Identity and Territory

Greetings from the Mayor: Michele Miele; Speakers: Pro Loco President Pietro Guglielmo; Vice president of Pro Loco Michelangelo Miele; Coordinator of the Museum of Rural and Artisan Civilization: Camillo Caputo

7.30pm Piazzetta dell'Emigrante

Return of the laboratory with performance

By Gianpiero Francese and the community involved

To follow

Opening toast of the Traditional

Emigrant's Day

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Piazza dei Caduti, 83040 Andretta AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 15:00

Numero di telefono
0827 32009
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Glocal Think
Chiavi di ricerca
Poligono GEO


Piazza dei Caduti, 83040 Andretta AV, Italia

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