The squares of the people are symbolic spaces that reflect the essence of a community and tell its story. It is precisely on this concept that the photographic collective entitled "Piazze del popolo! Rights, places, opportunities and paths for a resilient community," organized by ACLI Avellino and curated by Antonio Bergamino is based. The exhibition displays the works of photographers Aurelia Cirino, Maria Rosaria Francese and Mirko Spagnuolo, offering a unique look at the social, cultural and emotional dynamics that animate the squares of Atripalda.

The exhibition will be inaugurated on 26 June 2023 at 17:00 at the Palazzo di Città located in Piazza Municipio, 1, in Atripalda and offers the public the opportunity to immerse themselves in the vibrant and lively atmosphere of the local squares. Visitors will be able to admire a series of photographs that capture moments of daily life, cultural events and manifestations of civic engagement.

The images by Aurelia Cirino, Maria Rosaria Francese and Mirko Spagnuolo tell stories of resilience, of conquered rights and seized opportunities in an urban context that transforms and adapts to the needs of its inhabitants. Each photographer highlighted their personal perspectives, creating a mosaic of looks that blend harmoniously to offer a complete and engaging representation of the squares of Atripalda.

The curatorship of Antonio Bergamino, a well-known photography expert, has made it possible to select the most significant works to tell the unique identity of Atripalda and the vitality of its public spaces. The exhibition also aims to promote a reflection on the community and on the role of squares as meeting places, cultural exchange and civic participation.

"Piazze del popolo! Rights, places, opportunities and paths for a resilient community" will be open to the public at the Palazzo di Città in Atripalda until 26 July. The organizers invite all citizens and photography lovers to immerse themselves in this visual experience and to take the opportunity to reflect on the value of squares as hubs of community life.


Translated with Google translator

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia
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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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