The Roots Festival arrives in Calabritto on 21 December, starting at 10.00 am, cooking workshops, theatrical performances, stands of typical products, to rediscover roots, dialect, traditions with the setting up of an exhibition, curated by Angela Iannarella , which will last all day.
Guest of the Dmo Irpinia Montagna d'Amare with a round table on Tourism and Training.
The event was also organized in collaboration with the Calabritto Youth Forum.
It begins with institutional greetings from the Mayor of Calabritto, Gelsomino Centanni and a discussion on linguistic identity by Michele Marcantuono.
To follow:
- Calavrittu ru na vote - Edited by Angela Iannarella
They read: Syria Conte; Maria Neve Giovine; Federica Di Popolo; Giovanni Di Mattia
- Round Table Tourism and Training: The Festival Meets the Dmo Irpinia Montagna D'Amare, which recently inaugurated its second headquarters at the Montevergine Abbey during the special event of the "Radici di Fede" Festival in which it was also awarded the 2024 Radici Prize to the Abbot of Montevergine and which saw the presence, among the many guests and personalities, of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, one of the largest Italian tour operators in the sector.
Interventions by:
Vincenzo Castaldo President of Glocal Think and Dmo Irpinia Montagna d'Amare;
Emanuela Sica Destination Manager Dmo and Artistic Director of the Festival;
Angelo Cianciulli City Councilor;
Guglielmo Burdo President of the Calabritto Youth Forum
-Culinary Laboratory We eat in dialect
Preparation and tasting of “La Tirata De. Co. of Calabritto
- Ancient Stornelli accompanied by the accordion
Edited by Generoso Di Trolio
Followed in the square and until the evening
- Stand of typical products and workshops
Throughout the day it will be possible to visit the exhibition set up by Angela Iannarella: "Nightgowns from the early 1900s and Antiquities"
dalle 10:00
Via Salvador Allende, 83040, Calabritto AV, Italia
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