The Focaroni di San Sabino is a traditional religious event that takes place every year in Atripalda in February, during the celebrations for the patron saint.

Organised by the Pro Loco of Atripalda, in collaboration with the Municipality and the Parish of Sant'Ippolisto Martire, the initiative involves the entire community on the evening of 8 February. Tradition and faith are interwoven in this historic tradition with the lighting of bonfires, in Atripalda known as "focarone", as the name given to the event indicates. The main one, the largest, is lit in Piazza Umberto I, with the blessing of the parish priests, but it is not the only one: there are others in various parts of the Atripalda municipal area, such as the one in the Piazzetta di San Sabino at Capo La Torre. 

This evening, the warmth of the Focaroni is combined with the warmth of getting together in a festive atmosphere, tasting various products and dishes typical of Irpinian food and wine, in an exciting and characteristic blend of faith, rituals and flavours.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Umberto I, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia
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*Currently Suspended due to Covid-19

Poligono GEO

Museo del Palazzo della Dogana dei Grani

Piazza Umberto I, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia

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