The concerts of the Igor Stravinsky association resume in June: with the formula 'In Love with Music', aimed at those who are already in love and also at those who may become one.  

Stravinsky, an association from Avellino that has been operating in Campania since 1996, will propose a full calendar of concert events dedicated to Love and some anniversaries of 2024.

In fact, the event will pay homage to the 100 years since the death of Giacomo Puccini, the 40 years since the death of Eduardo De Filippo and the 70 years of Italian Television.

The concerts will be held on the Terrazza degli Artisti, in the Sala delle Arti in Manocalzati and at the Pignatelli della Leonessa Castle in San Martino Valle Caudina.

Under the artistic direction of Nadia Testa, this summer event will extend from 9 June to 13 October, offering a series of unmissable events for lovers of cultured music.

On June 9th there will be the inauguration of the festival, at 7.45pm, with Puccini's masterpieces and 20th century melodies, inaugurating a program as varied as it is refined. The choice to start with Puccini, a composer capable of touching the most intimate strings of the human soul, was undoubtedly a tribute to Italian tradition, fascinating the audience present with arias of unparalleled beauty.

The strength of the event lies not only in the quality of the performances, but also in the diversification of the programme. In the Innamorati della Musica festival, new talents will also perform alongside international names, encouraging generational change and enhancing the creativity of young people.

On the bill are the artists Cuenca, Almudena and Munoz from Andalusia; the pianist 'Scalzo' Maurizio Mastrini engaged in his new project entitled 'Ghost'; the television pianist Andrea Chiambretti who will present his project entitled 'From Bach to Chiambretti - 4 centuries of music on television', on the occasion of the 70 years of Italian Television: project, born as a format for television thanks to the collaboration between Andrea Bacchetti and Piero Chiambretti;

International artists such as the Korean soprano Sang Eun Kim accompanied by Luigi Giachino on the piano in a program of Walt Disney music for adults and children.

The prestigious theatrical names of Mariano Rigillo and Cicci Rossini will be on the bill in September in the final event of the 'Napoli Milionaria' Library project.
The reading entitled 'Adda passà a nuttata' will see the undisputed protagonist of the Edwardian pages Mariano Rigillo accompanied in Rota's music by the tenor Francesco Ciotola, by the soprano Nicoletta Gaglione, with the mime choreographies of Elisabetta Lannaccone, directed by the piano of Nadia Testa.

Again in October a tribute to Puccini100 with the lyric recital 'O soavi fanciulle' conducted by Nadia Testa with the voice of soprano Samantha Sapienza.

In October, the final event of the Transverse Flute Master class held by maestro Maurizio Valentini, flautist of the Teatro alla Scala Orchestra since 1982, artistic director of the Novara Academy of Music and flute teacher at the International Academy Foundation "Incontri con il Maestro " of Imola. Event organized on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of the flautist Glauco Cambursano and dedicated to young flautists from all over Europe.

'In love with music' is a celebration of musical excellence which, thanks to its rich and varied programme, the quality of the performers and the beauty of the place, represents one of the most anticipated and appreciated events of the Irpinia summer. A true homage to art, capable of enchanting and making every listener fall in love.

Text translated with Google Translate

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Informazioni di prenotazione
June 22nd, August 2nd and September 15th will be free entry: all others include a financial participation of Euro 5.00 (including aperitif) while seats last.
It will be possible to purchase the single ticket directly in the Hall 30 minutes before the concert; children free; students 50%.
Comune di riferimento
Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia
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Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia

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