The Associazione Immagineria ets with the patronage of the Municipality of Morra De Sanctis and the Pro Loco MorraMorra De Sanctis will present the show "The Legend of the Paper Storyteller" within the setting of the Biondi-Morra Castle of Morra De Sanctis on 24.25 and August 31st and September 1st from 5pm to midnight

A fantastic setting with scenic effects, VFX projections, actors and singers will create an enchanted place for children and for those who want to rediscover the beauty of being one.
The spectator will be welcomed by an actor, the storyteller, who, both in physical form and in the form of a hologram, will guide him to discover the enchanted places of the "fabula".
It will also be possible to taste typical products and purchase the creations of master craftsmen.

"Stories from other times will come to life, but to be able to see them you must first go to the Moon to regain your lost mind!"

Foto Gallery
Via Castello, 83040, Morra De Sanctis AV, Italia
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Il 24,25 e 31 agosto ed il 1 settembre dalle 17 alle 24. 

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Associazione Immaginaria ets, Comune di Morra De Sanctis e Pro Loco Morra De Sanctis
Poligono GEO

Castello dei Principi Biondi Morra

Via Castello, 83040, Morra De Sanctis AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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