"Un Albero per Tutti" (A Tree for All) is a charity event that takes place in Caposele at Christmas time.

The project is based on the idea of decorating a 33-metre tree in the centre of the town with 2 km of lights and thousands of LEDs. An apparently simple idea that in reality hides a much deeper meaning: to create a Christmas tree for the benefit of cancer research based on the wishes of a citizen of Caposele who died a few years ago and who wanted to see it lit up for the Christmas holidays. For this reason, this important initiative was created in her name and in memory of all those who are no longer with us: an authentic gesture of solidarity to raise awareness of a particularly important issue.

The Caposele tree is known today as the tallest Christmas tree in Europe. Set in an area where nature and solidarity are its great strength, the huge, imposing tree's lights convey a message of brotherhood and friendship, an invitation to unity and peace, a symbol of hope and confidence for the future. The lighting of the tree is accompanied by markets, dances, gospel songs and a special Santa Claus corner for children to personally deliver their Christmas letters in a magical atmosphere with endless shades of meaning.

An event that goes far beyond the traditional Christmas celebrations, "A Tree for All" thrills tourists and spreads great solidarity, rekindling a light and giving hope for a better future.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Dante Alighieri, 1, 83040 Caposele AV, Italia
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*Currently Suspended due to Covid-19

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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