The Ethnographic Museum "Beniamino Tartaglia" of Aquilonia is located in Via Carbonara and is one of the most articulated, organic and complete in Italy, with exhibitions spread over about 1,500 square meters, about 15,000 objects on display and an outdoor area of 500 square meters equipped with vintage farm machinery. 

Visiting the museum is like taking an evocative stroll through the past, in an exhibition that takes in the domestic and working environments, the workshops and the artisan activities that embellished the old village with artefacts, but above all with art and culture. The tools and utensils of the barber, the blacksmith, the shoemaker, the tailor and the basket maker, together with furnishings, fittings and documents of all kinds, bear witness to the skill of the typical figures of popular culture.

The charm of the old trades is evoked by a precious heritage of age-old customs and traditional culture, which is rich in values and virtues: a reality, albeit greatly changed, of which each habitant of Aquilonia carries a trace.

In the "Beniamino Tartaglia" Ethnographic Museum, every aspect, even the smallest, of the existence of the community in the past is represented and rigorously documented and registered in the regional register of Educational Farms, it holds the "status" of regional interest. The Museum has also signed an agreement with "L'Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna" to host candidates for curricular training for their thesis in the field of Humanities, and other agreements with other Italian universities are being defined.

In the words of the founder, Prof. Beniamino Tartaglia
 "The foundation of Ethnographic Museums is a courageous act of civic dignity, a gesture of affectionate care towards the community itself and its past, which bends down to collect the fragments of its long life and donates them to constitute a public asset so that new generations can project themselves more consciously into their future, establish new relationships and found a new social ethic, which is essential for expanding the boundaries of our individual and collective universes". 

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Via Carbonara, 3, 83041 Aquilonia AV, Italia
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dalle 10:00 alle 13:00

dalle 16:00 alle 19:00

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Museo Etnografico "Beniamino Tartaglia"

Via Carbonara, 3, 83041 Aquilonia AV, Italia

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