The Passion of Christ in Gesualdo was born as a socio-cultural and religious movement to be projected internationally by linking it to the image of an ancient, historical and world-wide musically important land such as Irpinia.

It is linked to the figure of a great musician like Carlo Gesualdo who lived between 1500 and 1600. Famous in all national and international musical circles, the prince, lord of the Feudo di Venosa (Pz), in his period of greatest ferment artistic established its headquarters in the manor of Gesualdo (Av) to which the territory of Taurasi (Av) belonged and already holder of a quality mark relating to the production of wine.

The Pro-Loco Civitatis Iesualdinae, in collaboration with the Parish of Saints Nicholas and Anthony Martire and all the institutions such as the Municipality of Gesualdo, the Province of Avellino, the Southern Destination Network, the Irpinia System Foundation, APS Carlo Gesualdo, Unpli Avellino and the Campania Region, intends to relaunch the event based on the musical contribution of the great madrigalist of the 16th century who composed, in addition to profane music, sacred works dedicated to Holy Week entitled "Thenebrarum".

The presentation of the event was attended by: Luigi Petruzzo - President Pro Loco Civitatis Iesualdinae, Michelangelo Lurgi - Pres. Rete Destinazione Sud, Carmelina D'amore - Pres. Fondazione Sistema Irpinia Father Enzo Gaudio - Parish Priest of Gesualdo (Av),  Francesco Mazzariello - Provincial Councillor, Giuseppe Silvestri - President UNPLI Avellino, Edgardo Pesiri - Pres. APS Carlo Gesualdo,  Augusto Galliano - Director of photography and Roberto Flammia - Artistic Director

“The objective - said Petruzzo - is to bring our community to the top, because Gesualdo has all the possibilities to be able to rise to the forefront of the national news through this important event". Everything revolves around the figure of Carlo Gesualdo "the Passion is closely linked to the madrigal musical composer around whom a network of bodies and associations has been created". 

Event appreciated and supported by the new director of the Irpinia System Foundation, Carmelina D'Amore: "Our role is precisely to enhance events, like this one, to connect the riches and potential of Irpinia. Networking places of art, scenic beauties, local traditions, food and wine products, to create routes and relationships between territories, between residents and visitors... to be able to escape from the local dimension by connecting to the image of the Campania Region to be recognized. The Foundation will support local events, it will be a container thanks to which the entire Irpinia area can be promoted".

“This year's edition of the Passion of Gesualdo - stated the artistic director Roberto Flammia - is centered on the theme of Peace and union, it was impossible not to refer to the wars in Europe and the Middle East. The poster was created with Artificial Intelligence giving very simple indications, Jesus Christ walking among destruction, disintegration. Another theme of this Passion is thinking about the death of Christ as the disintegration of what was there before in favor of a new path". The director then focused on the organization of the event: "The Passion of Gesualdo will involve around 200 figures from the community of Gesualdo, neighboring towns and also different nationalities and will last about an hour and a half. You will experience an immersive journey.”

The Passion of Gesualdo, Good Friday 29 March 2024 from 9.30pm, will be a fascinating and exciting show, in which the last moments of Jesus' life are collected, with a touching wealth of details.

A theatrical journey that, starting from Piazza Umberto I, home of the Cappellone, which for the occasion houses Pilate's Praetorium, goes back to the places traveled by Prince Charles, where the suffering Christ climbs to reach Mount Golgotha, represented by imposing Lombard castle, dominated by the midnight blue Irpinian sky.

The lights that color and mark the last minutes of the Savior's life, the scent of lemongrass that accompanies spectators along the way, the sounds that mix between the madrigals of the illustrious Prince and the rock guitars.

On the evening of Good Friday, the tormented souls of Carlo Gesualdo merge with the suffering tremors of Jesus on the cross. Mary's tears ring like bells on a day of pain, shaking the hearts of the Roman soldiers.

The body of Jesus, placed in the arms of a suffering mother aware of the meeting that had now taken place between God and her son. The enchantment is over, a white cloth announces the resurrection, the troubled spirits encounter peace... and life.




Translated with Google translate

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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