Guevara's Castle is a place of historical interest located in Savignano Irpino, in the homonymous square of one of Italy's Most Beautiful Villages.

The fortress, once called "Castrum Sabinianum" - hence the name of the town - was built, almost certainly as a defence fortress, between the 7th and 8th centuries. In 1527, however, this castle became the residence (as well as a warehouse) of the Guevara aristocracy, which is why its name was later changed. Its structure, therefore, underwent transformations, adapted to its different use. Damaged by the 1732 earthquake, the Castle was not further modified until 1880. Subsequently, some parts were demolished because they were considered unsafe, while others were changed, with the result, however, of endangering its structural stability, which was further compromised by the earthquake of 23 November 1980. Purchased by the municipal administration from the Daniela Casale family in 1990, the Castle underwent restoration work that brought to light some precious details.

Today, parts of the original and ancient structure of the imposing building can be admired, as well as the high and thick restored walls with their particular stone windows. Some of the most striking details that catch the eye include portals, ovens and dish shards, as well as the presence of a stable, hall and well.

Once a fortress dominating the Cervaro Valley, the Guevara's Castle still stands as a historical symbol of the Savignano community.

Piazza del Castello, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia
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Castello dei Guevara

Piazza del Castello, 83030 Savignano Irpino AV, Italia

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