The Church of Santa Maria Assunta (Saint Mary of the Assumption) of San Sossio Baronia is located in Piazza Mercato, in the historic centre of the town.

The religious building stands on the site that originally housed the old abbey church, "Abbatialis", dating back to the 16th century, which was damaged by the disastrous earthquake of 23 July 1930 and rebuilt in 1933. The Church has been linked to the Diocese of Trevico since its origins and was incorporated into the Diocese of Lacedonia in 1818 until it finally became part of the Diocese of Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia in 1986.

Unlike the previous 16th-century building, the new sacred place has a particular structural feature: the entrance is positioned in the opposite direction to the previous one, towards the new Piazza Mercato. On the other hand, before the earthquake, the old building, like the nearby former Church of the Purgatory on the left, had its entrance facing the historic centre of the town, that is, the coast. The façade dominates the square in front of it and is an expression of Gothic style: lightly plastered in yellow, it has a decorative rose window in the centre, typical of Germanic architecture, which overlooks the beautiful entrance portal, bearing the figure of the Madonna in relief. There are two symmetrical niches with statues of angels. Set back from the entrance is a multi-storey bell tower with a civic clock at the top. 

The interior contains works of art dating back to the 20th century and wooden statues of saints that contribute to the artistic value of a prestigious sacred place, a symbol of the community.

Piazza Mercato, 7, 83050 San Sossio Baronia AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

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Chiesa dell'Assunta di San Sossio Baronia

Piazza Mercato, 7, 83050 San Sossio Baronia AV, Italia

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