The Municipality of San Sossio Baronia lies in the Baronia area. It's a village with 1,574 inhabitants, located 650 metres above sea level, at 56 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 19.19 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Anzano di Puglia, Flumeri, Monteleone di Puglia, San Nicola Baronia, Trevico, Vallesaccarda and Zungoli
The etymology of the name comes from the patron saint of the community, while the specific “Baronia” has a double meaning: it refers, in fact, both to the area in which the village falls (Baronia di Vico), and to the fact it belonged, as “barony”, to its ancient Lords. The inhabitants are called Sossiani, and Saint Sossio of Miseno and Saint Peter Martyr are their patrons. 


  • Church of Santa Maria Assunta (Saint Mary of the Assumption) - Gothic parish church, characterised by its high bell tower with its town clock
  • Crucinova Column - Surrounded by four sculptures of angels carved in relief, with a stone cross at the top
  • Tre Cannelle Fountain (Three Spouts) - Known for its three water spouts surrounded by the reproduction of three faces with different expressions (smile, sadness and anger)
  • The Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo (Saint Michael the Archangel) - A place of worship, known for its characteristic "Scala Santa" (Holy Stairs), adjacent to the Sanctuary
  • The Watermill - A typical building in the historical-geographical area of Baronia
  • The Woods and Springs of Baronia - Specially protected area extending up to the border with Puglia      


  • Bonfire of Baronia - A project to rediscover the ancient tradition of bonfires, accompanied by musical performances, gastronomic routes and nature trails
  • Feast of Saint Sossio and Saint Peter - Religious festival in honour of the two co-patrons, held in April
  • Feast of St Francis Xavier and Saint Roch - Celebrations in honour of the two religious figures, held in August
  • Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel - Religious festival, held in September
  • Karaokanto - A musical event in June
  • Filomena Day - Cultural event, linked to the figure of the female bandit Filomena Pennacchio      


  • Irpinia Colline dell'Ufita PDO - Extra virgin olive oil, mostly from the Ravece variety, with a pleasantly bitter and spicy taste
  • Ufita cherry tomato PAT - Of medium-small size, it has a bright red colour and numerous seeds inside
  • Caciocavallo Silano PDO - Semi-hard cheese, with spun curd, produced from the milk of different breeds of cows, including Podolica     


With its 620 hectares, San Sossio Baronia has the largest area of land covered by the Special Protection Area (SPA) known as the "Woods and Springs of Baronia". 
The community of San Sossio Baronia is linked to that of Frattamaggiore (Naples) by a twinning arrangement, inspired by the fact that they share the same patron saint, Saint Sossio from Miseno. 


The first settlements in San Sossio Baronia date back to the period between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, as demonstrated by some archaeological findings that suggest the existence of a primitive settlement, probably destroyed by the Romans. 
The origin of the village, however, dates back to the 13th century and is confirmed by two scriptures: the first is a document from 1299 in which Charles of Anjou refers to the Baronia di Vico (now Trevico) with its hamlets, including San Sossio; the second refers to the "Rationes Decimarum Italiae", which specifies that the "Clerici S. Sossi" had to pay an annual tax of "one tari and 121 grana" to the Bishop of Trevico for the period between 1308 and 1314. 
The history of San Sossio Baronia was closely linked to the Consalvo and Loffredo families, at least until the early 19th century. The Sossian community actively participated in the revolutionary uprisings, with the famous seizure of the Town Hall. After the unification of Italy, it experienced the phenomenon of banditry, instigated by the gang of Giuseppe Schiavone and his companion, Filomena Pennacchio from Sossi, who is still remembered today.


If real backpacker life in a group or with friends is the experience that is missing from the tales, San Sossio Baronia shows the most authentic and unexplored face of its landscape in summer
Distretto di riferimeno
Piazza Mercato, 83050 San Sossio Baronia AV, Italia
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San Sossio Baronia

Piazza Mercato, 83050 San Sossio Baronia AV, Italia


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