The "A Pila" Fountain is a monument located in Petruro Irpino, near the village hall on Via Capozzi.

Dating back to the 18th century, it stands out in the medieval urban layout of the village, which is characterised by streets and alleys paved in stone. The modest-sized fountain is located in the heart of a small square, not far from the war memorial. From the multi-lobed basin, on which a noble coat of arms can be admired, a somewhat short column shaft supports a circular bowl, adorned with decorative mascarons.

One of the emblematic monuments of the smallest village in Irpinia, the "A Pila" Fountain helps to enrich the historical and cultural heritage of the Petruro Irpino community.

Via Ten. Ettore Capozzi, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia
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Fontana "A Pila"

Via Ten. Ettore Capozzi, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

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