The Municipality of Petruro Irpino is located within the area of the Sabato Valley. It's a village with 289 inhabitants, located 500 metres above sea level, at 21 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 3.14 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Altavilla Irpina, Chianche, San Nicola Manfredi, Torrioni and Tufo
The etymology of the name seems to come from the Latin petra, that is “cliff”, or from petrurium, that is, “stone”, “rock”. The inhabitants are called Petruresi and Saint Bartholomew is their patron saint. 



  •  Fusillo and Greco di Tufo Festival - Food and wine event that takes place in August, with food and wine stands, music and typical local products
  •  Feast of Saint Mary of Montevergine - Atavistic Virgin cult that has been repeated since time immemorial and takes place in September      


  •  Greco di Tufo DOCG - Noble wine deriving from an ancient grape variety, of Greek origin, with unparalleled typicality, renowned the world over for its aromas and flavour
  •  ‘Nfarinata - Antique dish of humble origins with polenta and beans      


Petruro Irpino is the smallest municipality in the province of Avellino by number of inhabitants. 


The first news about Petruro Irpino date back to the 13th century, when the current municipal territory played the role of farmhouse of Montefusco
During the Angevin domination, it was a holding of Giovanni Mentella. Later, Petruro Irpino was administered by various families: the D’Afflitto, Marano and, finally, Bonito families, of which Domenico was the last Marquis, until the abolition of feudalism in 1806. 
For a short period, from 1927 to 1944, Petruro lost its municipal autonomy, regained, then, thanks to the Allies, on the occasion of their arrival in Italy during the Second World War. In 1950, the municipality added to its name the specific “Irpino” to distinguish itself from other municipalities of the same name.


A perfect destination to find tranquillity and breathe the most authentic essence of life, Petruro Irpino is an invitation to dedicate time to oneself  
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Via Ten. Ettore Capozzi, 9, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia
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Featured places

Indirizzo Via Ten. Ettore Capozzi, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

Via Ten. Ettore Capozzi, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

A small fountain dating back to the 17th century, located in the town centre

Indirizzo Località Lago, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

Località Lago, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

A small rural chapel that probably dates back to the 16th century. It houses a marble altar on…

Indirizzo Via Chiaio, 1A, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

Via Chiaio, 1A, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

Probably built in the 14th century, the Church now has a linear, light-coloured façade, a…

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