The Seat of the Madonna is a monument located in Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo, on the ancient footpath leading to the Sanctuary of Montevergine.

It is a stone knoll in a shape reminiscent of a chair; it gets its name from a legend that the Virgin Mary rested here with her Child in her arms on the way to the Sanctuary. A wooden roof was built to protect this "seat", which is why this place is often referred to as the "Cappella Misura" (Custom-made Chapel): in fact, any pilgrim who sits down here to rest briefly on their way to Montevergine finds themselves particularly comfortable.

Halfway along this route you will find the Cappella dello Scalzatoio (Barefoot Chapel), where some pilgrims on their way to Montevergine still take off their shoes before continuing the pilgrimage barefoot.

Sentiero CAI 201, 83014 Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo AV, Italia
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Sedia della Madonna

Sentiero CAI 201, 83014 Ospedaletto d'Alpinolo AV, Italia

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