Location Via San Gennaro, 83012 Cervinara AV, Italia

Via San Gennaro, 83012 Cervinara AV, Italia

A sacred place so dear to the Cervinara community, first raised to "Abbey", then to "…

Location Piazza Vescovado, 3, 83051 Nusco AV, Italia

Piazza Vescovado, 3, 83051 Nusco AV, Italia

The archiepiscopal seminary located in the historic town centre dates back to the 17th century…

Location Piazza Michele Addesa, 24/28, 83050 Vallesaccarda AV, Italia

Piazza Michele Addesa, 24/28, 83050 Vallesaccarda AV, Italia

As a religious, historic and cultural symbol for the community of Vallesaccarda, the Church of…

Location Largo San Michele, 83050 Sant'Angelo all'Esca AV, Italia

Largo San Michele, 83050 Sant'Angelo all'Esca AV, Italia

The Church dates from the 12th-13th centuries and has been restored several times over the…

Location Località Misciano, 83025 Montoro AV, Italia

Località Misciano, 83025 Montoro AV, Italia

Testimony to the economic power of the aristocratic owners comes from the fine decorations in…

Location Piazza Municipio, 83030 Montefredane AV, Italia

Piazza Municipio, 83030 Montefredane AV, Italia

Standing in a strategic position overlooking the entire valley, the Castle offers spectacular…

Location Piazza Duomo, 5, 83100, Avellino AV, Italia

Piazza Duomo, 5, 83100, Avellino AV, Italia

A religious symbol of the provincial capital of Irpinia, as well as the only monument in the…

Location Località Pesco, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia

Località Pesco, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia

A place of great historical interest, the site of Sant'Angelo al Pesco stands on a suggestive…

Location Piazza Domenico Fischetti, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

Piazza Domenico Fischetti, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

Of Norman origin, it underwent extensive renovation in the 16th century

Location Via Principe Lancellotti, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia

Via Principe Lancellotti, 83023 Lauro AV, Italia

Deconsecrated, it is currently used as a conference hall and auditorium

Location Via Roma, 83058 Trevico AV, Italia

Via Roma, 83058 Trevico AV, Italia

Construida en 1578, da acceso al centro histórico por el lado este y es un elemento…

Location Via L'Angelo, 83010 Tufo AV, Italia

Via L'Angelo, 83010 Tufo AV, Italia

Over 50 meters deep, it is a place of history and faith: dedicated to Saint Michael the…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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