The fifth edition of the Street Artists Festival dedicated to the Saint, protector of mothers and children, will be held on Saturday 31 August for the Eve of San Gerardo, in Caposele on Largo Sant'Alfonso in the hamlet of Materdomini, which will be celebrated on the first Sunday of September.

A Festival completely dedicated to the little ones that the Municipal Administration of Caposele, the Pro Loco and Visit Caposele have been sponsoring and carrying forward for years, with the idea of ​​welcoming and entertaining children in the best possible way in view of one of the most important of the year for the community.

Many artists will perform, starting from 8.30 pm, along the streets of the hamlet: a traveling musical band, contact juggler, tightrope juggler, stilt walker, aerial dancer, caricaturist, fire performer, light performer, inflatables and street football performer.

There will also be Food and Drink Areas.

A celebration for everyone, awaiting the religious celebrations in the following days in honor of San Gerardo Maiella.

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Dante Alighieri, 1, 83040 Caposele AV, Italia
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dalle 20:30

Poligono GEO


Piazza Dante Alighieri, 1, 83040 Caposele AV, Italia

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