The Via Crucis Vivente (Living Via Crucis) is a religious event that takes place in Luogosano every year during the Easter period.

During this traditional event, the young people of the town stage the last days of Christ's earthly life and do so on three dates, on each of which a specific event is narrated. It starts on Palm Sunday and continues on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

The first day celebrates Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, which ends with the Sunday liturgy and the traditional exchange of blessed olive branches. On the second day, there is an evening performance of the ''Last Supper'', the prayer in the Garden of Olives and the betrayal of Judas in the historic centre. On the third day, the "trial of Pilate" is staged in the town square in the afternoon, at the end of which the Via Crucis begins, a procession through the streets of the town that continues with a few moments of acting by the young people.

An event that has been repeated for years by the local community, the Living Via Crucis retraces the great Christian devotion cherished by the faithful of Luogosano.

Comune di riferimento
Via Francesco De Sanctis, 28, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia
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*currently suspended due to Covid-19
Easter period

Numero di telefono
0827 73007
Poligono GEO


Via Francesco De Sanctis, 28, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

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