A new appointment with the 'Innamorati della Musica' review, directed by Nadia Testa, is scheduled for Saturday 29 June at 7.45 pm at the Terrazza degli Artisti in Manocalzati.

The protagonists of the evening will be the pianist José Manuel Cuenca and the flamenco dancer Almudena Roca, who together will present the show 'Pasión Andaluza'.

José Manuel Cuenca, graduated with honors in piano and clarinet from the Superior Conservatory of Music of Córdoba, has performed all over the world, conquering audiences with his mastery and his passion for Spanish music. He made eight albums with his brother Francisco, dedicating himself mainly to the Iberian repertoire. Throughout his career he has received numerous awards, including the Honorable Mention "Dulce de Membrillo", the Title of Beloved Son of the city of Puente Genil and the Gold Medal of the same city, and the Andrés Segovia Medal from the Foundation dedicated to the famous guitarist.

Almudena Roca, born in Cartagena in 1995, approached the world of dance from an early age, graduating with honors in Spanish Dance and Flamenco at the Professional Dance Conservatory of Murcia. He obtained the First Prize in Spanish Dance and Flamenco at the Tiempo de Danza Competition in Murcia and continued his studies at the "María de Ávila" Superior Dance Conservatory in Madrid, graduating with the Higher Diploma in Choreography and Interpretation of Spanish Dance and Flamenco . She has numerous experiences as a solo dancer to her credit, both with the pianist José Manuel Cuenca and with the flamenco guitarist Carlos Piñana.

The 'Pasión Andaluza' show promises to be an exciting journey through flamenco music and dance, among the most intense and evocative expressions of Spanish culture. Cuenca and Roca, two artists of great talent and sensitivity, will be able to involve the audience with their passion and skill, transmitting the energy and warmth of flamenco.

Text translated with Google Translate.


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Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia
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dalle 19:45

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Numero di telefono
340 5719845
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Associazione Igor Stravinsky
Poligono GEO


Via G. Dorso, 1, 83030 Manocalzati AV, Italia

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