Zungoli and Savignano Irpino will be the destinations, on Sunday 23 June, from 10.00 am, of the Urban Trek to discover some of the most beautiful villages in Italy in Irpinia. Orange flag, prestigious recognition from the Italian Touring Club for the town of the Ufita Valley and "sustainable country" for the center of the Cervaro Valley. The meeting point will be at the car park in Via del Convento, in Zungoli.

A village with ancient Byzantine origins, still perched today at the foot of the donjon built by the Norman Junculo from which the toponym Zungoli derives. Along the streets you will discover the typical fortification structures called "houses" crossing narrow corners full of charm and curiosity. You will enter the ancient house, embracing long-gone traditions and ways of living. Between stories and the inebriating scent coming from the kitchens of those who still live in the village today, you will reach Piazza Municipio admiring what was once the municipal palace and the majestic Palazzo Caputi. You won't miss the breathtaking view from the portico of San Nicola. Going up the cobbled streets, your gaze will be attracted by an old and now worn sign, evidence that there was once a typical inn there, located in the heart of the village, a place properly called "Quartiere", where until the 1980s there were numerous activities commercial and beyond. Near the district, a few meters away, an iron gate will open allowing access to the underground, visiting what are still called "Byzantine Caves", custodians of the roots of this magical village. Leaving the dim light of the caves you will be welcomed by the divine light of the Mother Church of Santa Maria Assunta, which houses an ancient baptismal font and the eighteenth-century statue of the protectress of Zungoli, S. Anna. We will return to the cars to head towards Savignano Irpino where we will land in about 20 minutes.

A small village located on the border with Puglia, nestled between the green hills of Tombola and Calvario, dominating the Cervaro Valley. The walk starts from the Angelica Fountain, which has now become the symbol of Savignano Irpino, called by the people of Savignano "Fountain of the ducks" due to the presence of three cast iron ducks from whose beaks the fresh waters of the Monte Sant'Angelo springs flow. You walk along the main street of the town with a stop at the nineteenth-century Church of Purgatory and Piazza Umberto I. Through Porta Grande you enter the medieval village, where, in addition to the wonderful views, you can admire the Guevara Castle and the Mother Church of San Nicola and Sant 'Anna. The guided tour ends with a walk on the Belvedere Tombola.

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Informazioni Aggiuntive
Excursion type: T (Tourist) suitable for everyone
Total route: 5 km round trip
Sneakers or urban trek
Layered clothing – hat – spare.
Trekking poles
Unguarded parking
Snack – Packed lunch
At least 1.5 liters of water
Qualified excursion operator/Local Expert
Association activities can only be carried out by becoming members of Irpiniavventura.

In case of adverse weather conditions the guided tour will be canceled upon notice.
If the excursion requires, for safety and security purposes, the need for particular clothing or technical equipment, including footwear, the Guide reserves the right to decide whether one or more participants can take part in the excursion or not.
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
The excursion will take place upon reaching a minimum of 10 people
Informazioni di prenotazione
Info and membership: www.irpiniavventura.it
Tel.: 3205790650
Via Provinciale, 19, 83030 Zungoli AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 10:00 alle 16:30

Prezzi di accesso

Contribution 10 euros for members, contribution 15 euros for members

Numero di telefono
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Irpiniavventura A.S.D.
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO


Via Provinciale, 19, 83030 Zungoli AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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