Casa Loreto is a place of historical interest located in Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, not far from the Cathedral of Sant'Antonino Martire

This elegant villa dates back to the first half of the 18th century and is one of the most beautiful mansions in the town. It was the residence first of the Galante family, then of the De Vito family and, finally, of the Loreto family, from whom it takes its name and was subsequently handed over to the municipal administration of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi.

Today, Casa Loreto covers an area of 1500 square metres, with a basement and two raised floors. The main entrance has a beautiful portal, just one of the many tasteful decorative elements that adorn the stone façade of the stately home, including a rose window and finely crafted balconies. The 18th-century balustrade on the north side of the house is also of great artistic and architectural importance, overlooking a clearly Baroque garden with a well nearby.

Having undergone major renovation, Casa Loreto retains the majesty and charm that have seen it play a leading role in the history and events of the city centre in the past.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Limited accessibility
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 6, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia
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On reservation

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Casa Loreto

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 6, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italia

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