Castelluccia is a place of natural, historical and religious interest in Solofra, on the western side of Mount Pergola.

A true natural terrace that offers visitors a splendid view of the city and the surrounding Irno Valley, the area is known for hosting the Sanctuary of Maria Santissima Assunta (Holy Mary of the Assumption) of Castelluccia, still considered the most interesting of the Marian centres in Solofra, both for the significance of the place and for the antiquity and value of the feast that takes place every year in August, known today as Ferragosto (Midsummer) in Castelluccia.

Since Roman times, in fact, the rocky spur on which the religious building stands was used by the first inhabitants of the place as a checkpoint on the road of the Passo di Taverna-Castelluccia, which connected the Sabato Valley with the Montoro Plain. This route originally crossed what is still commonly called the Vallone dei Granci, a large reservoir still visible today and characterised by deposits of spring water near the furnaces. 

A place of faith and nature, Castelluccia is a solemn and welcoming place, where rituals and popular beliefs linked to rural tradition persist.

Comune di riferimento
Località Castelluccia, 83029, Solofra AV, Italia
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