The Church of Maria Santissima della Carità (Our Lady of Charity) is a place of worship located in Moschiano, close to the municipal building.

Once known as the “Church of Corpus Christi", the Church took its current name from the local community’s profound devotion to the Lady of Charity and to the sanctuary erected in her honour. Thought to have been built in the early 16th century, the Church was restored in 1848 and then again, after the damage caused by the earthquake of 23 November 1980.

Today, the Church of Maria Santissima della Carità is known for its beautiful portal dating from 1592 and recently restored by the Polish sculptor Zenon Blysz; it consists of six square tiles, four of which depict the Passion of Christ, the Risen Christ, Saint Peter and Saint Paul. The other two portray Eucharistic symbolism alluding to the mysteries of the faith and the fundamentals of Christianity. Inside the building, visitors can also admire a wooden sculpture of the Virgin Mary, the work of Gaspare Dalia and Gaetano Russo, two local artists. The sculpture stands on a pedestal engraved with scenes from the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Carità.

Testimony to the local community’s devotion to the Mother of God, the Church of Maria Santissima della Carità is a beautiful little church set in the heart of Moschiano’s historic centre.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza IV Novembre, 3, 83020, Moschiano AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di Maria SS. della Carità

Piazza IV Novembre, 3, 83020, Moschiano AV, Italia

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