The Church of Santa Maria del Carmine (Saint Mary of Mount Carmel) of Montaguto is situated in the historic centre of the small Irpinian town of Montaguto.

Standing on the summit of a rock spur at the highest and most panoramic part of the village, it was originally called “Church of San Giovanni Battista” (Saint John the Baptist) and took on its current name in 1735 when the new lords of Montaguto, Luigi and Gregorio Pinto y Mendoza, rebuilt the town and also the Church, which had been reduced to ruins. The Church has suffered heavy damage due to a series of earthquakes, exposure to bad weather and strong winds because of its location. Reopened to worshippers in 1991 on completion of the reconstruction after the earthquake of 23 November 1980, the Church has retained its floor plan and aspect since then.

The Greek cross floor plan with dome vault has now been restored to its full splendour. Externally, a bell tower dating from 1826 and surmounted by a statue of Jesus Christ stands alongside a simple, linear façade into which is set a stone clock with an ancient dial. It replaced the public clock once placed on the “Portone Nuovo”, the old entrance that was demolished in 1830. Inside the Church is a beautiful marble high altar dating from 1888, above which is a stained-glass window depicting the Dove of the Holy Spirit. The sacred space is adorned with furnishings dating from the early 20th century and various statues donated over the years by individual worshippers or the community. The wooden statues of Saint Crescentius and Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Roch and Saint Mary of Valleverde are particularly noteworthy. The statue of Saint Mary was carried in a procession during the annual pilgrimage to Valleverde in Bovino (Foggia), just a few kilometres from Montaguto.

A remarkably beautiful site which is held in high esteem, the community of Montaguto is extremely proud to have the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine as their symbol.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Antica, 83030 Montaguto AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Numero di telefono
0825 862014
Poligono GEO

Chiesa Maria SS. del Carmine di Montaguto

Piazza Antica, 83030 Montaguto AV, Italia

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