The "Nocciolandia" event initially scheduled for Friday 4th and Saturday 5th October, has been postponed to 18th and 19th October, in the historic center of Aiello del Sabato, a tribute to the fruit which is among the Irpinian excellences.

The hazelnut markets will perfume the streets of the historic center of Aiello together with local street food, music and special displays will pleasantly entertain the participants.

The so-called nocella is a fruit with many qualities both from a nutritional and gustatory point of view, it can be appreciated freshly picked or dried, it is the basis of indescribable desserts and creams but it is also an excellent accompaniment in savory dishes to ensure the crunch, celebrating it is a must as it is a distinctive symbol of the Irpinia region.

A two-day celebration that reminds us of the Irpinian tradition, the one carried on by peasant families who have based their economic livelihood on the production of this particularly precious and delicious food.


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Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Via P. S. Mancini, 30, 83020 Aiello del Sabato AV Italia
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Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Comune di Aiello del Sabato
Poligono GEO

Aiello del Sabato

Via P. S. Mancini, 30, 83020 Aiello del Sabato AV Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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