Sunday 3 December, at 5.00 pm, at the monumental Church of San Nicola da Tolentino in Atripalda, Acipea presents a meeting with the authors Giansalvo Pio Fortunato and Lucia Gaeta.

The protagonist of the evening will be the meeting between two ways of making poetry, between two complementary, but not opposing, sensibilities, between courtly, refined, refined poetry, in which the succession of verses creates an engaging atmosphere and emotional poetry in which the verses arise from contemporaneity and speak directly to the heart through the breath.

Giansalvo Pio Fortunato with "Civiltà di Sodoma" will present us with his classic poetry which will guide us in an epic atmosphere. Lucia Gaeta with "Of Infinity and of You" will present us her contemporary, therapeutic and regenerating poetry in which the rhythm is given by the heartbeat.

The poet Laura Russo, the prof. Giovanna Maffeo and the Hon. Alberta De Simone.

Translated with Google translator

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Piazza Municipio, 1, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia
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