As part of the Castelfranci Wine Festival, the Grape Harvest Festival is an integral part of a broader project involving the Castelfranci area, its flourishing vineyards and, above all, a very ancient tradition to be handed down.

The children are the real protagonists of this festival: involving them means bequeathing them an age-old ritual, a memory that does not remain so, but is projected into the future. The young ones are involved in the grape harvest to make them aware of the cultivation of the vineyards of their splendid and generous countryside. Harvesting is followed by the most enjoyable phase of the ancient ritual: treading grapes with the feet to make must, just as their fathers and grandfathers used to do in the past, to forge an ever-stronger bond with their land. 
The programme also includes excursions through the vineyards, together with moments of reading and meditation.

The grape harvest has always been a source of great celebration for the countryside, repaying the sacrifices and efforts made during cultivation. The same atmosphere is recreated during the Grape Harvest Festival, with the re-enactment of songs and dances, moving from the vineyards to the historic centre of Castelfranci, with musical and entertainment shows that continue until late at night, in squares and streets that vibrate with culture and ancient traditions that are renewed.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia
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*Currently Suspended due to Covid-19

Numero di telefono
328 814 3101
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Castelfranci
Poligono GEO


Piazza Municipio, 1, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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