Saint Anne's Fair is a religious and cultural event held in Castel Baronia on 26 July, the feast day of the Mother of the Virgin Mary.

Originally, the Fair was considered the fair of the first fruits, eagerly awaited also to eat the fig, a typical local product, also called "fica r' Sant'Anna" (Saint Anne's fig). It was also a commercial place where animals were bought and sold, as well as home-produced products. For these reasons, and because it preserves the culture and tradition of the town, it is also known as "The Old Fair".

Even today, the people of Castel Baronia honour Saint Anne with a religious feast and this important fair, which is traditionally attended by many people from the surrounding area.

Piazza Pasquale Stanislao Mancini, 83040 Castel Baronia AV, Italia
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*currently suspended due to Covid-19

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