Leonardo's Machines Museum is located in Caposele, near the Water Museum.

The building houses a permanent exhibition dedicated to the inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519), a man of genius and universal talent of the Italian Renaissance, considered one of the greatest geniuses of humanity. A painter, engineer, scientist, sculptor, anatomist, scholar, musician and inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci created a multitude of works, including numerous machines. The Caposele Museum houses around twenty wooden reproductions of these machines, taken from the artist's original drawings and created with the help of the Scenography Laboratory of PUSA University in Assisi. These models are grouped into four different categories, dedicated to the essential elements of life: Water, Air, Earth and Fire.

On the outside, the building is surrounded by reproductions of the author's main paintings, including the famous Mona Lisa. The Machine Museum also has a whole series of equipment, such as screen panels used for themed projections and other information material, to help visitors discover Leonardo's various inventions.

A unique place of interest throughout the province of Avellino, the Machine Museum bears witness to the extremely important cultural legacy that Leonardo Da Vinci left to the whole world.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Comune di riferimento
Via Cantiere AQP, 83040 Caposele AV, Italia
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On reservation

Prezzi di accesso


Numero di telefono
0827 53024
Poligono GEO

Museo delle Macchine di Leonardo

Via Cantiere AQP, 83040 Caposele AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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