The Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Saint Bartholomew the Apostle) in Cassano Irpino is a place of worship located on the street of the same name, near the Castle

The medieval village's Mother Church, dedicated to the patron saint, is thought to date back to the 16th century, according to an engraving on a cornerstone, according to which the Church was built in 1557, leading to the theory that one of the reasons for the construction of this building was to ward off or allay fears of the plague that had decimated the population about seven years earlier. Some abrasions on this engraving, however, suggest that a different date may have been indicated earlier. On the lintel of the Church, however, there is a clear epigraph indicating a significant enlargement that took place about two hundred years later, with the construction of the majestic portal and marble bust of Saint Bartholomew.

"This is a happy entrance - this is the true gateway to salvation: let those who enter offer pure thoughts to God. The old church was made more beautiful. Year of the Lord 1762. "

Little remains of the original Church, as there have been two major restorations (the first in 1700 and the one after the 1980 earthquake), as well as some thefts, but the pillars with Gothic arches and the six single-lancet windows remain.

A religious symbol of the Cassano community, the Church of San Bartolomeo makes a notable contribution to the enrichment of the artistic and religious heritage of the Irpinian village.

Foto Gallery
Via Chiesa, 83040 Cassano Irpino AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

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Chiesa di S. Bartolomeo di Cassano Irpino

Via Chiesa, 83040 Cassano Irpino AV, Italia

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