The Turris Martiani Medieval Complex, also known as "Tower of Marzano", is located in Via Michele Fonseca, in Marzano di Nola.

After being incorporated into the fief of Lauro, the history and economic life of the town and consequently of the stronghold were closely intertwined with the surrounding area, which even today is still dominated by Lancellotti Castle, with which the “Tower of Manzano” was almost certainly connected. The complex is thought to date back to 1300. Over the centuries, it has played an important defensive role, forming a barrier to French invasions from 1799 onwards.

The structure is on two levels. On the upper floor is a large terrace flanked by a 15 m tower, with Guelph battlements and square apex. The entire archaeological area is of great cultural interest. Along with the other monuments in the town, it is first-hand evidence of the history of the important fiefdom of the Lauro valley.

As a landmark for the community of Marzano, the tower stands proudly over the town, conserving centuries of history and prestige within it.

Via Michele Fonseca, 83020 Marzano di Nola AV, Italia
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