Saturday 28 September in Atripalda, meeting at 4:00 pm at the Parco delle Acacie to set off to discover the landscapes and architecture of the city. The excursion "Atripalda & Scavi di Abellinum al tramonto" promises to experience a suggestive day among the most illustrious places in Atripalda.

The excursion will start with a visit to the remains of the amphitheater and the historical tomb of the area, and then continue with a stop at the church of San Nicola, a jewel of religious architecture.

Subsequently, we will head towards the historic center of Atripalda, where participants will cross the archaeological area of ​​Piazza Garibaldi, until reaching the Specus Martyrum, an ancient crypt of great historical and spiritual importance. 

The route will continue with a visit to the church of Sant'Ippolisto and the historic Dogana dei Grani, a symbol of the economic and commercial life of the city during the past centuries.

At the end of the tour, hikers will have the extraordinary opportunity to explore the Abellinum Archaeological Park, exceptionally open at night, which houses the remains of the ancient Roman city, located on the banks of the Sabato River. A unique experience to relive history immersed in the charm of the evening.

The organized activity will end at 8:30 pm, near the center of Atripalda where it will be possible to stay for dinner in the square or in various places available nearby.

It will be necessary to adopt clothing suitable for the route with shoes and trekking pole.

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 16:00

Prezzi di accesso

contributo 5 euro per i tesserati e 10 euro per i soci
da €5.00 a €10.00

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Atripalda, Irpiniavventura
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO


Piazza Municipio, 1, 83042 Atripalda AV, Italia

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