The village of Contrada is preparing to welcome one of the most anticipated events of the season: 'Flavours of Autumn', the celebration of the typical flavors of Irpinia autumn which will enliven the Rione Ospedale. The event initially scheduled for October 18th and 19th was postponed to October 25th, 26th and 27th for weather reasons. . For three days, this picturesque corner of the country will be transformed into an enchanting outdoor stage, dedicated to local gastronomic excellence.

At the center of the event, as per tradition, there will be dishes prepared with fresh and local ingredients, with particular attention to the typical delicacies of the season: chestnuts, wild boar and porcini mushrooms. 

For those who want a complete culinary experience, it will be possible to book dinner (Friday evening) or a special lunch on Sunday, which will bring the most characteristic flavors of the season to the table. The menu includes half paccheri alla boscaiola, pork loin with chestnuts, accompanied by freshly baked roasted chestnuts and a chestnut-based dessert, all prepared with genuine, local ingredients. An unmissable opportunity to taste traditional Irpinia dishes in a convivial and family context.

In addition to lunch by reservation, the festival stalls will offer a wide range of autumnal delights. Among the specialties offered, chestnut-based desserts and roasted chestnuts will be the protagonists for those with a sweet tooth, while those who want something more substantial can choose between sandwiches stuffed with tasty local meats or wild boar, to be accompanied with a hot glass of mulled wine .  

Not just gastronomy: the village will be adorned with evocative decorations, which will amplify the magic of the event. Among the stalls, visitors will be accompanied by the sounds of live music and performances by street artists, giving adults and children moments of pure entertainment.

A party to celebrate autumn and everything it brings with it: conviviality, good food and a welcoming atmosphere that will make everyone feel at home.

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Pranzo su prenotazione 3276754639
Comune di riferimento
Via Luigi Bruno, 79, 83020 Contrada AV, Italia
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Via Luigi Bruno, 79, 83020 Contrada AV, Italia

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