The appointment with the 2024 Music Festival in Frigento is renewed, Friday 21 June at 7.30 pm.

The Music Festival, celebrated on June 21st each year to herald the summer solstice in more than 120 nations around the world, is an international event that promotes music in all its forms. Originating in France in 1982, it involves musicians of all levels performing in public spaces, promoting cultural inclusion and diversity.

An unforgettable night with the best DJs in the area and all the energy of music.

The event will take place in an open space, in an equipped area - equipped with toilets - surrounded by nature.

At the beginning, a group from Burkina Faso will perform, entertaining the customers with the rhythms of African drums and percussion; followed by karaoke which will try to involve and make everyone participate.

Finally, as night falls, young emerging DJs from the area will alternate with established DJs, with the aim of creating an intergenerational interconnection and the involvement of all age groups.

In conjunction with the event, it will be possible to taste street food, French pastries, craft beers and cocktails.

The program:

Equipped camper area

Start at 7.30pm Burkina Faso rhythm wind

8.30pm Karaoke

10.00pm DJ Capopelo

11pm DJ Raffaele Uva

00:00 DJ Doctor Uva

01:00 DJ El Caribe

Vocalist: Alberto Pascucci

Tasting street food, craft beers, desserts and local products.

translated with google translations

Foto Gallery
Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
free event
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 1, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 19:30

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
forum dei giovani di frigento, borghi d'italia, festa della musica
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO


Piazza Municipio, 1, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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