Great evening of culture and music in Zungoli. Saturday 25 January from 7:00 pm at the former Franciscan Convent presentation of the book “Gli Uomini Pesce”, meeting with the author Wu Ming 1 and then live session "Infinite forme di salvare" by Dilis. It will also be possible to take a guided tour of the Norman Castle De Miranda-Susanna and the historic center of Zungoli accompanied by the evocative story of Ruando experience.

With the spirit of meeting, to warm up, sharing sensations and spaces, the winter evening of TranzHumans wants to let dialogue, returning words and sounds, in a context of reflection and listening, which is the former Franciscan Convent of Zungoli. Antonio Cammisa will dialogue with Wu Ming 1, trying to intertwine the story told in the text, whose place of origin is the Po Delta, with our lands, Irpinia and the South.

Wu Ming means “without a name”, in Mandarin. A fictitious name. Before that it was Luther Blissett. This too is an invented name or more precisely a name composed of two historical figures, but together non-existent. In reality these names exist when one, two, ten, one hundred or more people take them, signing themselves with these names. This play on names is the logic underlying the collective of writers Wu Ming, in the century. Multiple name, whose identity is not given value in times of narcissism and egotism, while the messages and contents that Wu Ming has been spreading to the four winds, reaching the four corners of the planet for thirty years now, have meaning and substance. And he is in fact the author of novels now included in the history of international literature, such as, among many, "Altai", "Manituana", "Proletkult", "L’armata dei sonnambuli" and, lastly, "Ufo78". Wu Ming 1, pseudonym of Roberto Bui, has been one of the members of the collective, since the very beginning. Author of books such as "New Thing", "Un viaggio che non protiamo breve", "La macchina del vento", "La Q di Qomplotto". He is on tour with the presentation of his latest work, "Gli uomini Pesce", which masterfully restores the figure of his writing. A method of narrating intertwining lives and stories through many tools, inputs and methodologies: from writing to musical inspirations, from iconography to anecdotes, from mythopoetics to historiography.

"Gli Uomini Pesce" narrates the summer of 2022, the Po has never been so low. The death of Ilario Nevi, partisan, artist, intellectual from Ferrara of national fame, uncovers a secret kept for almost a hundred years, through the tragedies of the twentieth century and the upheavals of the new millennium. A secret that hides others, embedded in the past and nested in the future and each revelation is actually a new enigma. Antonia, Ilario's granddaughter, wants to make sense of what she is discovering. It will go all the way, reconstructing the story not only of a life, but of an unexpected tangle of existences. From the war of liberation in the Delta to the struggles for rights and the environment, "Gli Uomini Pesce" is a tribute to the Great River and its lands. A majestic novel, a saga in which History is one with the events of the protagonists, innervated in their loves, in their adventures, in their worst nightmares and in their most beautiful dreams.

In the church of the convent complex, Dilis, pseudonym of Pietro Di Lietro, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, will perform. He was born in August 1983 in Castellammare di Stabia, in the province of Naples and took his first steps in the band "La Condizioni Danzante" recording a first EP, "Monaco Addio". After this experience he decided to continue his solo career using the pseudonym of Dilis. He recorded his first album “Nulla da Capire” (2011) for Seahorse Recording and 3 years later for Bulbarts the EP “L’alba Negata” (2014), both releases received critical acclaim and numerous dates around Italy. In the same year he took part in the tribute to Scisma promoted by the webzine Mag Music “Simmetrie – un onore agli Scisma” with “L’equilibrio”. A long break followed, away from the stages and publications but not from music. In 2014 he became artistic director of “Ferro3.0”, a role he held until 2019. After a ten-year break in the studio, he returns with the new album “Infinite forme di salvare” published by Disordine Dischi.

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Grado di accessibilita
Totally accessible
Informazioni di prenotazione
Event info
+39 3298144866 - Antonio
+39 332917631 - Monia

Guided tour information and reservations Ruando experience
+39 3891021720 - Luigi
+39 3381577811 - Fiorella
Comune di riferimento
Via del Convento, 14, 83030 Zungoli AV, Italia
Go to the map view on the map

dalle 19:00

Prezzi di accesso

Free event

Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Tranzhumans in collaborazione con Fragori nella mente e Ruando experience
Allegati vari
Poligono GEO

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