The Church of Santa Maria del Carmine (Saint Mary of Mount Carmel) of Montefredane stands in Piazza Municipio, close to Caracciolo Castle.

The exact origin of this church is uncertain, but it was probably built in the 18th century. Various structural restoration works have been carried out, notably in the 18th century. The latest and most extensive works were completed in the 20th century and have given the Church much of its present appearance.

The plain yet imposing façade is plastered in yellow, with a simple entrance portal surmounted by a rectangular window, with a cross at the top. The elevation is enhanced by a tall three-storey bell tower, with a smaller tower containing an ancient clock. The archway leads to the Castle, which stands behind the Church. The sacred furnishings comprise several interesting works of art and wooden statues of saints.

As the Mother Church of this Irpinian town, this place of worship and the nearby Castle symbolise the Montefredane community.

Comune di riferimento
Piazza Municipio, 83030 Montefredane AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Numero di telefono
0825 672146
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine di Montefredane

Piazza Municipio, 83030 Montefredane AV, Italia

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