The Church of Santa Maria della Pietà (Saint Mary of Mercy) is situated on the street of the same name, in the historic centre of this Irpinian town.

The building stands in the upper part of the municipal area. Its façade is plain and austere, but a noteworthy feature is the long, very narrow bell tower that stands to the right. The Church’s position offers a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape and of the town itself, whose principal feature is the main square dominated by the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore e San Marcellino (Saint Mary Major and Saint Marcellinus).

As a place of worship that is cherished by the local people, the Church of Santa Maria della Pietà adds much to the artistic and religious heritage of Luogosano.

Comune di riferimento
Via Pietà, 84, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Numero di telefono
0827 73007
Poligono GEO

Chiesa di S. Maria della Pietà di Luogosano

Via Pietà, 84, 83040 Luogosano AV, Italia

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