The Church of San Nicola di Castelfranci is situated in Via Foria, in the historic centre of this Irpinian town.

Citations found in 16th and 17th-century documents indicate that the origins of this building are ancient. It has been extended on several occasions and also restored many times, following the earthquakes that have hit the whole of Irpinia. The Church, once owned by barons, bears a number of engravings, including a stone plaque on the wall bearing the name Brancia, an aristocratic family who lived in Castelfranci in the 19th century.

As can still be seen in number of the sacred spaces, the Church was also used as a burial place. One of the stones on the roof still bears the crest of the baron's family. Outside, there is a Renaissance portal and an imposing bell tower next to the Church, which contains a magnificent high altar at the end of the single nave with its paintings and marble sculptures, and another four side altars dating from the mid-18th century. Another element with an extremely powerful visual impact is the tabernacle, surmounted by the dove of peace accompanied by two angels.

As further testimony to the devotion of the local community, the Church of San Nicola (Saint Nicholas) enhances the artistic and religious legacy of the town.

Comune di riferimento
Via Foria, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia
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Open during the hours of religious services

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di San Nicola di Castelfranci

Via Foria, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia

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