Location Piazza San Rocco, 83047 Lioni AV, Italia

Piazza San Rocco, 83047 Lioni AV, Italia

Rebuilt after the 1732 earthquake, it was named in honour of Saint Roch, the town's patron…

Location Località Lago, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

Località Lago, 83010 Petruro Irpino AV, Italia

A small rural chapel that probably dates back to the 16th century. It houses a marble altar on…

Location Via Fontana, 83050 San Nicola Baronia AV, Italia

Via Fontana, 83050 San Nicola Baronia AV, Italia

Built in white stone, it is characterised by the impressive flow from one of the mouths. The…

Location Via Foria, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia

Via Foria, 83040 Castelfranci AV, Italia

Its origins are ancient and it was once a burial place, as evidenced by some of the sacred…

Location Via L'Angelo, 83010 Tufo AV, Italia

Via L'Angelo, 83010 Tufo AV, Italia

Over 50 meters deep, it is a place of history and faith: dedicated to Saint Michael the…

Location Via S. Rocco, 19, 83040, Flumeri AV, Italia

Via S. Rocco, 19, 83040, Flumeri AV, Italia

Dedicated to the town’s patron saint, it also houses the saint’s relics. With three portals…

Location Via Pirro De Luca, 1/70, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia

Via Pirro De Luca, 1/70, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia

An example of original 17th-century architecture, even today it remains intact, with an upper…

Location Via Carafa, 83010 Grottolella AV, Italia

Via Carafa, 83010 Grottolella AV, Italia

Also known as Carafa Castle, this Lombard fortress was built to defend the village and became…

Location Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

Via Roma, 83032 Bonito AV, Italia

A construction consisting of the convent, dating from 1712, and a single-nave church

Location Via Castello, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia

Via Castello, 83016 Roccabascerana AV, Italia

A strong and meaningful testament to the medieval era in the ancient village, the Medieval…

Location Via Cavour, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV, Italia

Via Cavour, 83018 San Martino Valle Caudina AV, Italia

Once owned by the family of the same name, the Del Balzo Palace stands out for its charming…

Location SP36, 36, 83035 Carpignano AV

SP36, 36, 83035 Carpignano AV

The charity of the Mercedarian Fathers and the devotion to the Virgin Mary make this Sanctuary…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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