An ancient place rich in history, apparently out of time, with a community with a strong…

Pretty village with a classic and unparalleled medieval appearance, on a high hill in the…

Town at the foot of the imposing Mount Tuoro, an ideal place for naturalistic excursions among…

Town dominated by the profile of the Faliesi and Bufoni mountains,standing as guardians, with…

The wonderful Phoenix of Irpinia, razed to the ground three times by earthquakes, but rebuilt…

A town, almost hidden, surrounded by hazelnut groves and lying in the Vallo di Lauro, with the…

Splendid point of observation over the Ufita Valley, city of products of excellence, fertile…

Village of ancient stone processing, that of “Breccia Irpina”, typical of the area, resistant…

Village nestled in a basin of karst origin, in whose deep roots folklore, charm and tradition…

Pearl in the heart of Irpinia, of Roman origin, place of the soul for its breathtaking…

It's the “City of the Prince of Musicians”, the refined precursor of modern music and…

A magical place, steeped in traditions, language, customs of people, cradle of a meeting…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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Ufficio Infopoint
Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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