The Municipality of Chianche is located within the area of the Sabato Valley. It's a village with 459 inhabitants, located 356 metres above sea level, at 24 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 6.61 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Altavilla Irpina, Ceppaloni, Petruro Irpino, San Nicola Manfredi, Sant’Angelo a Cupolo and Torrioni
The etymology of the name would seem to come from the term “Plancae”: square stones that, used to pave the Roman roads, were extracted from a quarry, still existing, in the hamlet of Chianchetelle. The inhabitants are called Chianchesi and Saint Felix of Nola is their patron saint. 


  • Castle - Dating back to the Norman era, you can currently see the city walls, the two cylindrical towers and a quadrangular keep in neo-Gothic style 
  • Medieval Village - It develops around the castle and has the typical streets, alleys, palaces with stone portals and other characteristic elements of the ancient town
  • Church of San Felice (Saint Felix) - In Baroque style, with Romanesque elements, it preserves several ancient paintings and has inside a marble baptistery
  • Church of San Pietro Apostolo (Saint Peter the Apostle) - Located in the small hamlet of San Pietro Irpino, once known as “San Pietro in Delicato”, is the Mother Church of Chianche
  • Church of the Madonna delle Grazie (Our Lady of Grace) - Small and modern religious building, accompanied by a large bell tower
  • Church of Santa Margherita (Saint Margaret) - Small church with a very simple façade, located in the central square of Chianchetelle, today a hamlet of Chianche
  • Fountain - Located along the road that leads to the Castle, on it there is a stone plaque that dates back to the late 19th century      


  • Feast of Saint Felix - Celebrations in honour of the patron saint that takes place on 14 January, along with the historic procession
  • Asparagus Festival - Food and wine festival that takes place in the hamlet of San Pietro Irpino at the end of spring
  • Fusillo Festival - Traditional event that takes place on the first Sunday of August, dedicated to a typical Irpinian first course
  • Chestnut Festival - Food and wine event held in October       


  • Greco di Tufo DOCG - Noble wine deriving from grape variety with ancient origins, in this case, Greek, with unparalleled typicality, renowned the world over for its aromas and flavour
  • Turana Chestnut - Produced in the rich chestnut groves of Chianchesi, it is a typical chestnut of the territory       


Along the Sabato river, between Chianche and the Samnite municipality of Ceppaloni, there is the Strait of Barba, a gorge formed naturally that, in the 19th century, was the place of ambushes and assaults of brigands and that, according to legend, was a favourite place for witches to hold their meetings. 


The first historical mention of Chianche dates back to 1138, when Roger the Norman left the castle of the small Irpinian village to reach Avellino and start fighting against the army of Count Rainulf. 
Feudal possession of several families, including the Caracciolo, Carafa, Filomarino, Zunica and Sanseverino families, the territory of Chianche was initially separated from that of its current hamlet Chianchetelle, an independent fief that belonged to the Tocco and Salerno families. 
With the abolition of feudalism in 1806 and the consequent Unification of Italy in 1861, Chianchetelle was incorporated into the territory of Chianche, going on to constitute with the latter a single municipality.


Chianche gives the visitor a continuous emotion with slices of a life linked to viticulture, wine production and cellars. An intense and harmonious sensory journey, just like the structure of its finest Greco DOCG wine   
Distretto di riferimeno
Via Angelina, 4, 83010 Chianche AV, Italia
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Via Angelina, 4, 83010 Chianche AV, Italia

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Piazza Francesco Tedesco, 83010 Chianche AV, Italia

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Indirizzo Piazza Francesco Tedesco, 83010 Chianche AV, Italia

Piazza Francesco Tedesco, 83010 Chianche AV, Italia

The medieval village winds around the castle with its typically narrow streets and alleys,…

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