The Municipality of Moschiano is located within the area of the Vallo di Lauro. It's a town with 1,635 inhabitants, located 276 metres above sea level, at 25 km from Avellino. The territory extends for 13.45 sq km and the adjoining municipalities are: Forino, Lauro, Monteforte Irpino, Quindici and Taurano
The etymology of the name possibly derives from the Greek word moscos, μόσχος, or “calf”, name due to the presence of cattle in the area. The inhabitants are called Moschianesi. Our Lady of Charity and Saint Gerard Majella are their patrons. 


  • Sanctuary of the Madonna della Carità (Our Lady of Charity) - Restored and expanded in the 19th century, it is linked to the legend concerning the apparition of the Virgin Mary and has become over time a destination for many pilgrims
  • Church of Maria Ss. della Carità (Our Lady of Charity) - In the past called “Church of the Corpo di Cristo” (Body of Christ), it has a portal dating back to the 16th century and two statues of the Nolana school
  • Church of San Sebastiano (Saint Sebastian) - Dating back to the 17th century, it has an exquisite portal and numerous paintings of the Nolana school
  • Pietra Maula - Site of community interest that is characterised by the presence of a marked biodiversity      


  • Chestnut Festival - Food and wine event, accompanied by craft exhibitions and guided tours, held in October
  • Feast of Our Lady of Charity and Saint Gerard Majella - Religious celebrations in honour of the patron saints, held in August
  • Moschianese Carnival - Traditional celebrations with the parade of masks, takes place in the week of Shrove Tuesday
  • Porchetta Festival - Food and wine event, accompanied by live musical performances, held in the summer      


  • Marrone di Santa Cristina PAT - Particular variety of chestnut, produced in the territories of Forino and Moschiano and characterised by a compact and crunchy consistency
  • San Martino Walnut - Local product, typical of the area between Moschiano and Quindici, particularly appreciated for its high-quality characteristics
  • Caciocavallo Silano PDO - Semi-hard cheese, with spun curd, produced with milk from different breeds of cows, including Podolica 
  • Hazelnut - Typical product of the lower Irpinia and the municipal territory of Moschiano      


The toponym of Moschiano appeared in administrative documents since the 13th century in the alternative forms of Musclano, Moscano, Muschiano or even “Muscano civitatis Lauri”. 


Archaeological finds in the municipal territory of Moschiano would prove the existence of human settlements in the territorial area extended around the town, which can even be linked to the period between the 8th and 7th centuries BC. Several findings, however, attest that the territory was inhabited over the centuries; a more recent discovery, for example, would confirm the existence of a necropolis, defined as late Roman, dated 4th-5th century AD. 
In the history of Moschiano, then, it is important to consider that it was a farmhouse of the State of Lauro, like all the municipalities of the Vallo and was therefore dependent on the Lordships that governed the fief of Lauro until 1806, when feudalism was abolished following the Napoleonic reforms.  
With the Unification of Italy and with the Royal Decree of 17 February 1861, Moschiano and the other municipalities of the Vallo di Lauro passed from the province of Caserta, to which they had long been aggregated, to that of Avellino.


Moschiano is culture and folklore, for those who want to experience and discover realities, places, little-known stories and authentic flavours of a place 
Distretto di riferimeno
Piazza IV Novembre, 1, 83020 Moschiano AV, Italia
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Numero di telefono
081 8249916
Poligono GEO


Piazza IV Novembre, 1, 83020 Moschiano AV, Italia

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