The village of Montefusco reopens its doors for the traditional Fair and Festival of Sant'Egidio scheduled from 28 to 30 August. The event is organized by the local Pro Loco and ASD Calcio, in collaboration with the Municipal Administration. Three days dedicated to tradition, good food, popular music, display of agricultural products and fine Irpinian craftsmanship. 

The historic Fair which dates back to 1416 has always been held a few steps from the Capuchin Convent dedicated to the Madonna delle Grazie and known to all as the Convent of Sant'Egidio. The display of agricultural products, precious Irpinian craftsmanship, will be accompanied by good food.

The Convent of Sant'Egidio has survived the centuries, between one re-foundation and another, welcoming people from every corner of the Principality from year to year, from 24 August to 1 September, offering a smile and a warm and substantial meal. We do not know the exact year in which that chef monk created that new dish based on bacon and peppers, but we do know that the approval of the hungry customers was great, to the point that from that day on Franciscan bread, or bread dipped in that unprecedented combination of flavours, became the symbolic dish of the Great Fair.

The recipe passed from monk to monk, from generation to generation, evolving. In the beginning it was a sort of soup in which bread was dipped, then it became something else, until the bacon became shoulder, the tomato married the just browned onions, the peppers disappeared into the sauce, the bread was replaced with fusilli, prepared by the devoted hands of the women of the village. “Where the flag is there the Fair,” the story goes. "Without doing you any injustice, we could say, respecting tradition, that history is the daughter and mother, "where the fair there is the Franciscan fusilli". And precisely the "Franciscan Fusilli" as per tradition will be the main dish of the festival. 


August 28th

6.00 pm From Piazza Castello the traditional "descent of the flags" with procession

9.00 pm “Popular Reform” live music

August 29th 

9.00pm Simpatia Orchestra

August 30th
Sympathy Orchestra

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Piazza Castello, 9/15, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia
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Numero di telefono
0825 172 4332
Indicazioni dell'organizzatore
Pro Loco Montefusco e l'ASD Calcio, in collaborazione con l'Amministrazione Comunale
Poligono GEO


Piazza Castello, 9/15, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia

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