The Chapel of Maria Santissima di Grienzi is located at the foot of a rocky ridge and located about 6 km from the town of Calabritto, a place of pure tranquility and landscape, it is a destination for the Calabrian population and neighboring towns.

You reach this isolated and restful area for shepherds via a long path that runs to the right of the Zagarone basin, a small river that flows down into the valley. The glance is suggestive and undoubtedly recalls the life of the past when grazing, worship and people were united by a common denominator of simplicity.

The statue of the Madonna dei Grienzi with the Blessing Child placed inside the Church is venerated by the Calabrian people who carry it into the town on their shoulders along a narrow and muddy road to celebrate it solemnly on July 4th.

The excursion follows the route of the procession that devotees carry out every year on the last Sunday of June to reach the Sanctuary of the Grienzi Chapel. From the town of Calabritto, after 2 km along the road to Acerno and Laceno, take the narrow asphalt road to the right to the locality of Ponticchio, where it is possible to park, starting to walk on the continuation of the road which then becomes concrete, up to the highest point at the top where you go right and descend briefly crossing the Vallone Lupolo over a small bridge. From here you start to climb along a bumpy dirt road and after two hairpin bends a sign on the left indicates the beginning of the stepped mule track that climbs, with a smooth and panoramic route, along the Raia della Quercia.
The end of the climb, in the Ceppaiuolo area, is characterized by a metal altar used to place the statue of the Madonna during the pilgrimage, after which an easy descent takes you to the Vallone Vado di Carpino which you cross over a small bridge near which there is the Petrella Source. Go up a few meters to the right and continue on level ground until you come across the dirt road that descends towards the small church, which can be reached in a few minutes. Nearby, large green lawns and copious fountains invite you to take a long and pleasant break

Challenging route with various ups and downs and in the first part due to the crossing of Raia della Quercia with an altitude gain of around 400 m. in the first 2 km

The return along the same route takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

The overall length is approximately 9km.

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
Cappella dei Grienzi, Calabritto, 83040, AV
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Cappella di Maria Santissima di Grienzi

Cappella dei Grienzi, Calabritto, 83040, AV

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