The Church of Santa Maria degli Afflitti (Saint Mary of the Afflicted) is a place of worship located in Gesualdo, in Via San Sebastiano.

It was built at the end of the Canale district in 1612 by Prince Carlo Gesualdo, who desired this religious building to seek the blessings of Saint Sebastian. Pious hermits lived in the rooms next to the Church for several years and were also entrusted with the custody of the sacred place from 1748 to about 1880.

The religious building owes its current name to the most precious work of art it houses: the large painting on the main altar, depicting the afflicted Mother Mary holding the dead Redeemer in her arms and other pious figures, such as Saint John and Mary Magdalene kissing the hand of Jesus with tears. 

A church of great spiritual value for the whole community of Gesualdo, the Church of Santa Maria degli Afflitti (Holy Mary of the Afflicted) is further evidence of the rich artistic heritage of the Irpinian town, which has survived to the present day.

Comune di riferimento
Via San Sebastiano, 83040 Gesualdo AV, Italia
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On reservation

Poligono GEO

Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Afflitti

Via San Sebastiano, 83040 Gesualdo AV, Italia

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