The Church of Sant'Anna (Saint Anne) in San Mango sul Calore is a place of worship located in the area of the same name in the Irpinian municipality.

The Church stands on the site where it is thought a pagan temple was originally built; the small structure was constructed in part with materials from Roman buildings. It is the venue of the "Cavalcata di Sant'Anna" festival held every year on the last Sunday in July.

Today, the Church has a square floor plan with small nave and two aisles delimited by pillars. At the end of the nave, behind the main marble altar, the original tuff altar housing the relics of Saint Anna is preserved. The altar is surmounted by the sculpture of the saint with the Virgin Mary as a Child, kept in a niche in the back wall of the building. The same subject is portrayed in a late Gothic painting dating back to the early decades of the 15th century, positioned to the left of the main altar. Finally, this sacred place also stands out for another painting that portrays "The Knight", a subject that evokes to the town's most important folklore tradition.

A symbol of the San Mango community, the Church of Sant'Anna blends folk rites and beliefs in a way that still resists the inexorable passage of time even today.

Località Sant'Anna, 83050 San Mango sul Calore AV, Italia
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Chiesa di Sant'Anna di San Mango sul Calore

Località Sant'Anna, 83050 San Mango sul Calore AV, Italia

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