The Fontana del Monte or dei Morti has very distant origins which date back to the 12th century and is said to have been on the road passing through Conza della Campania and people stopped along the way. The name "dei Morti" derives precisely from the fact that the drivers of the hearses carrying the dead on their way to the Cathedral of Conza stopped there, after the destructive earthquake of 990, because it was indicated by Pope Callistus II as a blessed necropolis.

It is a simple monument composed of a rectangular structure and a basin in front, accessible via a descending staircase, it is not very visible from the road. A few years ago the fountain was located on the side of the main street, it was then removed for restoration and rearranged frontally. Next to the fountain on the left there is a small wash house.

Foto Gallery
Comune di riferimento
La Fontana lavatoio, Largo Europa, 11, 83056 Teora AV
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Fontana del Monte o dei Morti

La Fontana lavatoio, Largo Europa, 11, 83056 Teora AV

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