The aristocratic palaces of Frigento populate the historic centre of the Irpinian town and are not far from De Leo Palace, which houses the Archaeological Museum.

The buildings, which date back to the 18th-19th centuries and feature beautiful portals carved in local stone, have regained their original splendour, thanks to restoration work carried out after the 1980 earthquake. They are concentrated along the route from Via Roma to Vico San Pietro, passing through the square where the former Frigento Cathedral stands and contributing to enriching the cultural and artistic depth of the Irpinian town.

Among the most important buildings are: Capobianco Palace, Filippone Palace, Pelosi Palace, Flammia Palace, Grella-Calò Palace and, above all, the striking Testa-Cipriano Palace, considered one of the most beautiful mansions in the whole town. Its elegant architectural lines on the outside lead to the wonderful inner courtyard, paved with square blocks, with a cistern well and a staircase made of local stone. The entrance portal and side doors are surmounted by small wrought iron balconies and decorative elements that contribute to the magnificence and beauty of this Palace.

A clear sign of the influence of the aristocratic class on the local community, Frigento's aristocratic palaces are now back in all their splendour.

Comune di riferimento
Via Roma, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia
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Palazzi gentilizi di Frigento

Via Roma, 83040 Frigento AV, Italia

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