The ruins of the Castle of Melito Irpino are situated in Melito Vecchia.

They form an integral part of the town, which was abandoned after the earthquake of 1962, and is now a “ghost town”. Like all abandoned villages, it is extremely atmospheric and here you will find not only the ruins of the castle but also the remains of the Old Church of Sant'Egidio (Saint Giles). The Castle of Melito Irpino is probably of Lombard origin. It has been damaged several times, most seriously in the fire of 1779, when the rebuilding works changed the original appearance of the building. It was also left structurally unsound after the 1962 earthquake, resulting in the demolition of the oldest part of the building, a circular tower and a square tower.

The walls of the old castle, made from local stone, remain intact. It is still possible to imagine or deduce what the previous building may have looked like, thanks to surviving documents and other evidence, such as the holes once used to mount the doors, or the moat, which until a short time ago was still visible.

As a symbol of Melito Vecchia, the Castle is a place of great historical and cultural importance for the whole of the local community.

Località Melito Irpino Vecchia, 83030 Melito Irpino AV, Italia
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0825 472085
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