Location Via Tommaso Marranzini, 72, 83020 Santa Lucia di Serino AV, Italia

Via Tommaso Marranzini, 72, 83020 Santa Lucia di Serino AV, Italia

Previously known as the "Chiarella Palace", it is the family home of Saint Giuseppe Moscati,…

Location Via San Domenico, 18, 83040, Chiusano di San Domenico AV, Italia

Via San Domenico, 18, 83040, Chiusano di San Domenico AV, Italia

Amid the unforgettable details of this incredible story and the traces of history blurred by…

Location Via San Giuseppe, 25, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

Via San Giuseppe, 25, 83030 Lapio AV, Italia

A very simple building of worship which houses a 19th-century organ

Location Badia di San Vito, 83041, Aquilonia AV, Italia

Badia di San Vito, 83041, Aquilonia AV, Italia

A mid-13th-century religious building with a distinctive gabled façade, characterised by a…

Location Piazza Nicola Grillo, 83030 Prata di Principato Ultra AV, Italia

Piazza Nicola Grillo, 83030 Prata di Principato Ultra AV, Italia

A historic palace dating back to the 17th century, the Ciambelli Palace in Prata di Principato…

Location Piazza Castello, 9/15, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia

Piazza Castello, 9/15, 83030 Montefusco AV, Italia

Built in the Norman period, the Castle was adapted for use as a prison during the Aragonese…

Location Via Padre Ludovico Acernese, 20, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

Via Padre Ludovico Acernese, 20, 83030 Pietradefusi AV, Italia

Built in 1431 by Giacomo de Tocco, the Tower stands at the highest point of the town. All that…

Location Via Loreto, 1, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia

Via Loreto, 1, 83013 Mercogliano AV, Italia

With an unusual octagonal shape, the Abbey of Loreto is an artistic and historic treasure…

Location Via Castello, 83040, Morra De Sanctis AV, Italia

Via Castello, 83040, Morra De Sanctis AV, Italia

A splendid building, constructed during the Lombard period and later converted into a noble…

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Project financed and implemented with funds from the Province of Avellino


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Piazza Libertá 1 (Palazzo Caracciolo), 83100 – Avellino
C.F. 80000190647

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